2016 Chinese New-Year Holidays

Posted by: Chao Category: Our News Tags: Comments: One Comment

2016 Chinese New-Year Holidays

Shipment Suspend:

  • We will have a long holiday from 4th till 13th, delivery can not be fulfilled during this time.

Holiday promotion:

  • Use coupon code “2016-year” to get 10% discount.
  • This discount is not conflicting with your member discount.

PCB service

  • PCB service will restart on 14th, please notice.
  • If you place PCB order now, we will need to confirm first before we start it on 14th.
  • The PCB order placed during holiday will be done on around 20th.


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Comment (1)

  • poulbran Reply

    I think you are too generous with the discounts!

    September 12, 2016 at 10:14 am

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