Raspberry PI VNC Visualization, Bittorrent Download and Samba Sync

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Raspberry PI VNC Visualization, Bittorrent Download and Samba Sync

In the weekend, we didn’t work on the new products for Electrodragon too much, but just tried some fun with raspberry pi, a few main work have done with raspberry pi and it is really pleasant for me:

  • Set up the VNC view on startup, the old methods to let it work on startup is not working very well, a new methods is added, which is to set the VNC as service at init.d folder. Easy to work and less problems.
  • Set up the bittorrent download, it is also easy to do, install transmission-daemon and properly setup the configuration file, including disable the whitelist, speed control, and setup pass user name for RPC connection.Some important settings are need to set the correct permission for downloading folder, and also be aware there is enough space for the download file, if there is no enough space in your SD card, then the OS can not boot up.
  • With the RPI downloader, you can view the console and upload the seed for downloading now.
  • This is how it looks in browser, and opened the setting window too. Cost about 40% of RPI CPU from the “top” command, and it is very “fast” downloading speeding here, got about 800kbs.


  • Set up the Samba, also only need to install the program, and make proper configuration, you can easily view in on windows of all your SD card files!



All the settings and tutorial regarding this post you can find it here.

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Comment (1)

  • poulbran Reply

    Now you can toss your Pirate machine if the feds come after you.

    September 12, 2016 at 9:58 am

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