
  • HM-10, JDY-08 Compatible
  • This is the mini demo (or development) board for EB-08, suffix D for demo board.
  • Firmware compatible with HM-10, but the original EY-08 firmware maybe better. Also fully compatible with JDY-08, information please google.
  • We documented and updated documents in our wiki page, but for customer only.
  • For EY-08 module please search in store.

Board Features:

  • 4x pins for GPIO1, 2, 3, 4.
    • IO1 is connected to on board LED via jumper.
  • 4x PWM pins
    • PWM 2 is to mosfet control of mini motor (for vibrator you know 😀 )
    • PWM 1, 3, 4 to on board  RGB LED, PWM 1, 3, 4 via jumpers (on middle pins).
  • On back side 3.3V regulator, reset button, and CH340 USB-TTL USB debugger.
  • 1x Power LED – on board front – left – top
  • 1x Status LED and pin – next to power LED, when connection established, turn off (vice verse control by AT commands)
  • 1x iBeacon Boardcasting LED and pin – indicting the broadcasting status, when connection established will be OFF.
  • 1x Wake up pin, when send comands to turn it to sleep, this can wake up by external MCU.
  • Serial UART interface on bottom right side – GND TXD RXD, VDD.

To connector Motor:

  • Notice when running motor, the interference will break the CH340 USB-TTL connection, but not bluetooth. If you use USB debugging, please notice this.
  • External Motor power supply to VMOT and GND pin.
  • Motor connect to VMOT and next pin PWM (which is PWM2).

Demo video please see on this page.


Additional information

Weight 0.01 kg
Bluetooth Solutions


1 review for EY-08D BLE Bluetooth Mini Demo Board, CC2541, R2

  1. 1 out of 5

    Pedro Larroy (Amazon

    Useless, coudn’t get it to work at all

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