A Simple Arduino Test Environment Set up

Posted by: Chao Category: Components Tags: , , , , , , , Comments: One Comment

A Simple Arduino Test Environment Set up

Handy tools are pretty important prerequisite for the success of your project. After many times pick up and try, we find a series of prototype tool here, maybe the first the series and more will come later.

  • Arduino pro mini: This is our favorite because of the compact size, just make a good plan what, where and which 2.54 standard pins you want solder on and how to use it.
  • Prototype board with side power channel: the side channel is removable, you can temporary remove it, and combine later. there some male and female hooks on the side of board, so let it very easily to combine to each other. So in the picture, the side power Chanel of the two side boards are removed, and then combined to the middle one. 

Now let’s get a final picture of all the things here:


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  • poulbran Reply

    Man the elegance.
    A 100 embedded 328’s would be no problem with this setup.

    September 12, 2016 at 8:41 am

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