Wiki Topics about PCB Manufacturing

Posted by: Chao Category: Prototype Tags: , , , , Comments: 3

Wiki Topics about PCB Manufacturing

We have set up more information about manufacturing PCB here:

  • Eagle: How to panelizing; export Gerber file from eagle.
    • panelizing in eagle is little bit triggy, if you don’t do it well, you will get the parts number on the copied board also increased number, for example, on the second copy of the board, R1 resistor may become R2 instead of the same R1.
  • Gerber: Know the general file list of gerber; How to check Drill files
    • Get always necessary Gerber file included, see the full list on this page, for drilling, we prefer to have Excellon/NC Drill file with 2.4 trailing format, and NC drill file could be read directly by our machine, Drill drawing only could be read by human.
  • PCB Design for Manufacturing: Basic Design Rules should check carefully.
    • DRC (Design Rule Check) make sure your board is ease for manufacturing, for example the basic line width, space between lines.
    • This page will continuously update.
  • PCB Service: More Detail info about our PCB service. Example and boards we made.

Enjoy our PCB service, any comments are appreciated!

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