Arduino Drive Our New Stepper Motor

Posted by: Chao Category: Sensing and Actuating Tags: , , , Comments: One Comment

Arduino Drive Our New Stepper Motor

We have some new stepper motors coming soon, and we tested with arduino. To have a completed a understanding about stepper motor, we have documents a lot of information on this wiki page. You can fully understand how to recognize each pin of the motor, and how to connect them in phase frequency.

This is a very price effective item, 3kg/cm^2 force, 42 steps, 5.6ohm and 0.9A drive. See the video after the break.

There is one more video shows how we add the ULN2003 IC to drive the stepper, IC will be hot so some heat sink for it is necessary.

Use our L293D Motor Shield to drive these steppers, super easy with available arduino library. Just be aware we turn it a 2 phase 4 wires stepper, so there are two common lines are left away, and each group of wires connect to M3 (A and ~A ) or M4 (B and ~B).

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Comment (1)

  • poulbran Reply

    Now you can Micro step!

    September 12, 2016 at 9:22 am

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