
Arduino W5100 Demo Test

1. Stack your W5100 shield on you arduino board,make sure all the pins contact OK. SIZE:   L-69MM    W-53.6MM 2. Download the test sketch [c] /************************************************/ #include <SPI.h> /* * Web Server * * A simple web server that shows the value of the analog input pins. */ #include <Ethernet.h> byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF,...

News System of Electrodragon

To make better customer shopping experience and better organize our system, we have to move to a new system. Most things won't change, but old orders and wishlist will be not able to move into new system! If you have processing order in our system, please visit to view it. sorry for the...

PCB Design for Manufacturing – From Traditional to SMD

Traditional through - holes design with PTH components is the thing of yesterday, after seeing the video, you will understand that the through - holes always require you bigger parts, labor force to put the parts into the board manually, large size of the PCB board, and more reasons that make...