ESP8266 GPIO Test (Edited firmware)

Posted by: Chao Category: Network Comments: 20

ESP8266 GPIO Test (Edited firmware)

To use Update date to now firmware, at commands V1.5:

download at commands 1.5V here, if you use 1MB flash for esp-01s or 4MB for esp-12F, etc, etc. can use the combined bin.

Also at commands instruction inside, has GPIO function, need this three.


— The following content is obsolete, not necessary —

  • Get the firmware from our wiki page here. edited version based on 00160901.
  • Follow the wiring setup for update mode in our old post.
  • Use the XTCOM tool to upload the firmware, first connect the port, and select FLASH IMAGE DOWNLOAD, the first flash.bin file should be upload to 0x0000, and second rom.bin should be upload at 0x4000 address (still using flash image download).
  • Based on command AT+SETIO, which allow you the set gpio by remote command via TCP/UDP, so AT+SETIO? to check status, AT+SETIO=0 or 1 to disable or enable it, AT+SETIO=? to inquiry the command value (result from 0-1).
  • The data from TCP/UDP port is very simple, send data setgpio_xx, in which first x is for GPIO0, second x is for GPIO2, so for example setgpio_01 means GPIO0 value 0, and GPIO2 value1.
  • See the demo video below 🙂

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Comments (20)

  • Angel Centeno Reply

    I try out this example but when ever i load the Flash.bin the module turn on the blue led and keep sendin a bunch of extrange character trouth the com port, so its not working do you have a diferent set of firmware ?

    October 28, 2014 at 12:06 pm
  • Nigel Beaumont Reply


    You say:

    IMAGE DOWNLOAD, the first flash.bin file should be upload to 0x0000, and second rom.bin should be upload at 0x4000 address (still using flash image download).

    The 0x0000 is unimportant but the 0x4000 should be 0x40000

    All the best…


    November 8, 2014 at 3:38 pm
  • Jannik Reply

    I can turn the gpios On and off using the AT command, but when I try to do it remotely, I can only turn it off..
    Any idea ?

    November 13, 2014 at 2:13 pm
  • Joaquin Paredes Reply

    The firmware works ok, but there is a serious problem that losing power the system does not connect anymore. Resend the configuration is necessary. CIPMUX, CIPSERVER and SETIO.
    I’m using app “TCP Client” (for Android) and Putty for PC.
    Any solution?
    Congratulations on your work

    November 23, 2014 at 4:14 pm
  • ESP8266 based web configurable wifi general purpose control | Horacio Bouzas Reply

    […] specs, descriptions, etc, by Nurdsape Firmware that lets you easily control the GPIO0 and GPIO2 pins, by Electrodragon ESP8266 community GitHub space. Web server example, Arduino example, bcc compiler and code examples […]

    December 19, 2014 at 8:41 pm
  • Ömer ANAR Reply

    Thank u so much and sorry my English 😀

    Can you share firmware files and flasher.exe ?
    i can upload neomcu files (success)
    i can upload 9.2.2 files (success)
    but when i try uploading gpio firmware files there is no understandable respond from arduino serial monitor

    January 16, 2015 at 6:56 pm
    • Ömer ANAR Reply

      Hey i have solved my issue but i have a new one 😀
      my question is if the power down, what can i do ?

      do i write a CIPMUX=1 CIPSERVER=1,9999 again and again ?
      i dont want to use an other microcontroller i want only esp2866 how can i do this

      Thank u very much

      January 18, 2015 at 9:16 pm
      • Ömer ANAR Reply

        i got it i can write a “c file” and compile it and burn it for making 0x00000.bin and 0x400000.bin files and i can uploading to esp8266

        Thanks for ur help 😀

        January 19, 2015 at 1:23 pm
  • Nelson Secchi Reply

    Hi all! I finally got my hands on the ESP8266 board and I was wondering if it’s possible to have the module act as a WiFi controlled switch. I am think about using it for controlling electronic appliances over the network, and to also query values. Can the ESP8266 do all of this without any additional processor? If so, is there a tutorial or an example I can follow to do this?

    Thank you for reading! I appreciate your input!

    Best Regards

    January 21, 2015 at 2:34 am
    • Nelson Secchi Reply

      Hi Chao! Thanks!

      I think this is what I need!

      Am I correct to assume that I need an SDK or a set of files and I need to compile my own image? Will that image end up being a .bin file that I have to flash on the device?

      Best Regards!

      January 21, 2015 at 4:50 pm
  • Ömer Anar Reply

    When i plug my adaptors or phone charge
    Esp8266 is restarting why?
    Arc is problem for esp8266 so i cant use relay with esp8266

    January 21, 2015 at 11:10 am
    • Vinayaka Reply

      that’s why the freewheeling diodes are used!

      August 12, 2015 at 7:04 am
  • Alain HUET Reply

    Hello Chao

    I can not find your firmware ESP8266 GPIO Test on your wiki page. Where could I find it.
    thank you in advance


    December 4, 2017 at 7:39 pm

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