Introduction of FPGA

Posted by: Chao Category: Other Dev. Board Tags: Comments: One Comment

Introduction of FPGA

This is a really nice introduction video about FPGA, explaining basically what is a FPGA, the advantage and disadvantage of it. But in large electronic system design, FPGA is almost a must thing to be included, don’t miss it.


  • Do anything!
  • Super Fast
  • Field Programmable
  • Massively parallel
  • High I/O Count


  • expensive
  • high power
  • volatile/Boot time
  • high pin count BGA
  • complicated
  • many traps (traditional electronic language design)
  • complex tools
  • hard to chose/compare
  • HDL(Hardware Description language) not easy/intuisive

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Comment (1)

  • poulbran Reply

    “Traps for young players” haha
    many traps (traditional electronic language design) < that is for sure!

    September 12, 2016 at 9:23 am

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