Portable Charging Kit by Solar Power and Lithium Battery

Posted by: Chao Category: Components Tags: , , Comments: One Comment

Portable Charging Kit by Solar Power and Lithium Battery

Design a portable charger is always interesting, you only need a few things to do so,

I would say you also need some extra wires and “wire-to-wire” connecting cables to make conjunction between battery to your circuit module, this make it easy to plug in and out, give it more flexibility. This 5.5-2.1 wall mounted connector will be very helpful to mount on your case.

After break, here is a very interesting demo video from BrownDogGadgets.com, I think you can easily make it even better 😀

And let’s see what they made:

portable charger by solar panel

portable charger by solar panel2portable charger by solar panel3


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  • poulbran Reply

    The solar cells now are 18% efficient and on ebay chipped for cheap.

    September 12, 2016 at 9:04 am

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