ESP8266 Smartconfig Follow Up

Posted by: Chao Category: Network Tags: , , Comments: 5

ESP8266 Smartconfig Follow Up

It seems the current online custom build with dev branch can not work well with smartconfig, or the ESP8266 smart config android APK, so we tried to figure with the espressif official APK and master branch.

The master branch is:

Build on ESP8266 NONOS SDK 1.4.0, support ESPTouch

Dev branch version is Espressif NONOS SDK 1.5.1

First compile online use the master branch, and download, note to use the 9600 baudrate instead of 115200:

NodeMCU custom builds master branch 03

And you will see the following information when it done:

You successfully commissioned a NodeMCU custom build from the master branch. You selected the following 7 modules: file gpio net node tmr uart wifi.

We’ll keep you posted by email about the progress of your build.

In the meantime I suggest you take a look at the build stats to find out how your firmware configuration compares to others in the community.

Open Esplorer and send the snippet code of startsmart to the board:

esplorer smartconfig 9600

The APK Espressif IOT can be found on google play market, make sure you use the latest version, if you can not be sure, in the setting menu you can update the APK. Souce code of this APK can also be found on espressif github page.

The latest version ESPtouch should be, see the image below:

Open APK and try quick usage:

Then you can see the module is online now, IP address available:

smartconfig and get ip address


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Comments (5)

  • rithvikpodduturi Reply

    nice tutorial i was searching for this.. 🙂

    April 5, 2016 at 7:13 pm
  • rithvikpodduturi Reply

    planning to buy wifi iot relay did anyone use it ??

    April 9, 2016 at 6:03 pm
  • Anudeep Reply

    I tried same with with ESP-12 module Firmware is NodeMCU 0.9.6 build 20150704 powered by Lua 5.1.4 and SDK id ESplorer v0.1 build 206 by 4refr0nt with same APP version i am not able to connect ESP-12 module to wifi network . please help

    June 3, 2016 at 2:58 pm
  • thiagoas Reply

    Very nice!

    September 11, 2016 at 6:49 am
  • poulbran Reply

    These tutorials are great what a world the ESP 8266 is opening up.

    September 12, 2016 at 7:30 am

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